Students should be punctual and attend lessons regularly according to the established timetable. Moreover, they should take an active part in lectures and debates.

There is a continuous evaluation that includes two different type of activities: 

A) Activities undertaken during the course.  The score of the activities and works carried out during the course, including three partial examinations, will correspond to the 50% of the final score of the student. This score will be calculated taking into account:

- Legal cases. (Practical exercises). The students will make at least six legal cases during the course.

- Public presentations: Each student is required to do a presentation.

- Students works (research work, study of judgments and etcetera)

B) The score of the final exam will correspond to the 50% of the final score of the student. It will include two different parts:

- Theoretical part: It shall be made in writing with at least five short questions and a long question. It will have a value of 70% of this exam.

- A case study. It will have a value of 30% of this exam. The student will be allowed to use legal codes to answer the case, but not computers or cellular mobiles or other telematic media.

The Scholar may require the student to explain and clarify the test.

It is necessary to get a score of 4 in the final theoretical test in order to pass the subject Introduction to Law.

In case any student could not attend to class for a reasonable reason (job, illness...), he will be abel to do the final exam in June, September or following and the grade of that exam will be his final grade.


Once the June examination has taken place. In September and further exams (convocatorias extraordinarias) it will  not be taken into account the activities of the student during the course to calculate the grades of these examinations. The exam will consist on a theoretical part (70%) and a practical case (30%). It is necessary to get a grade of 4/10 in the theoretical part in order to be able to pass the subject.

The part-time students ("alumnos a tiempo parcial") will have right to a flexible class attendance system which  will not be detrimental to their evaluation system. The evaluation system will be the same as the rest of the students


The tutorial meetings will take place on the scheduled time and via internet. The students must ask for the tutorial meeting by sending a previous email to the professor. 

Part-time students and high-level sport students will have a flexible regime. Therefore, they can choose to be evaluated in a final exam that will be face to face.

  • Profesor: Torres Perea José Manuel De